Lessons From a Lead Mare is my fifth book and the second in my Lead Mare series. This book builds on the concepts and theory of Lead Like a Lead Mare by sharing my own stories of how I apply the Lead Mare qualities, such as being conscious and aware, responsible, committed, positive and solution-orientated. Living in the wilderness of British Columbia, there are countless opportunities to practice and refine the Lead Mare qualities, which are truly essential skills to survive and thrive in this environment. I share stories of guiding ecotourists and hunters, making hay, catching and training wild horses (including Apache in the above picture), running a trapline, contributing to conservation and living a self-sufficient ranch-based lifestyle. As in Lead Like a Lead Mare, Lessons From a Lead Mare shares the stories of our equine lead mares, such as Tatla in the header photo, showing us what we can learn from horses and how we can work together to create a strong team. At the end of each chapter, I want to help you increase your own proficiency in the Lead Mare qualities by asking questions and suggesting ideas for what you can do, no matter what stage of your life you are at or what your lifestyle looks like. Whether you are already a practicing Lead Mare or are being drawn to these concepts for the first time, Lessons From a Lead Mare can be part of the lifelong process of growing and evolving as an empowered woman and the leader of your own life.