The Mountain in My Mind
My transformational journey in the wilderness of the Chilcotin Ark shares my personal story of growth and evolvement with nature as one of my greatest teachers, as well as the horse and human guides I met along the way to summitting my personal mountain. |
Gerry Bracewell: Guide Outfitter, Pioneer, Matriarch
As the first female guide outfitter in British Columbia, Gerry Bracewell is an inspiration to many. This book, published to celebrate her 100th birthday, shares stories of Gerry's life as a hunt guide, her inspiration and the female hunt guides she has inspired. |
Are You Aware of Your Environment?
This book tells the story of Ed McMurray, long time guide, mentor and all-round repair guy and his impact on the ranch community. Through stories written about Ed by the people he mentored, we share our appreciation for Ed's contributions and all the ways he has impacted us. |
Lead Like A Lead Mare
This book shares the values and princples that make a Lead Mare, an empowered female leader, while learning from the lead mare horses of our herd. The book explains how a Lead Mare is empowered in her work, community, family, friend, intimate and parenting relationships. |