Six Principles to Live Life with Purpose is my sixth book and my first compilation book. This book is a collection of blog stories written by the Trails to Empowerment community partners (including myself) about our Six Principles: Nature Connection, Nature Conservation, Personal Development, Self-Sufficiency, Empowerment and Conscious & Aware. These stories were written during their time at the ranch or after. They inspire the reader to live life with purpose as they see the amazing achievements of the members of the Trails to Empowerment community who have identified and live by their interests, goals and purpose, in line with the Six Principles.
Nature connnection stories include guiding in the mountains, viewing wildlife and some of the health benefits of connecting to nature.
Nature conservation stories include wildlife population counts sightings of rare species and invasive species removal. Personal development includes learning about leadership and responsibility, managing the ranch kitchen and learning about yourself through spending time in nature.
Self-sufficiency stories include harvesting our own food from the land, having a self-sufficient mindset and learning mechanics to fix our own vehicles.
Empowerment stories include starting a new business, an update on a community partner's life after leaving the physical community and the philosophy of intentional work. Conscious & aware stories include a summary of the consciousness chart, learning about ourselves and the natural environment from horses and the contrast of a university education and gaining work and life experience at the ranch.